Break-Room Supplies
Our hands-on customer service and delivery programs will help keep your break-room fully stocked with all the necessary Break-Room Supplies.
Creamer, Sugar, Stirrers, and more
Good As Gold stocks a full selection of creamers, sugar, sugar substitutes, stirrers, and many other break-room essentials that you can’t go without.
- Splenda
- Sugar packet
- Sweet n’ Low
- Equal
- Truvia
- Sugar in the Raw
- Salt and Pepper
- Honey
- Flavored Creamers
- Creamer Canisters
- Creamer Cups
- Stirrers
Enjoy one-stop shop for your coffee and breakroom essentials!
Cups, Lids, Cutlery, Paper Goods
Enjoy a full offering of the necessary paper goods needed to run your office. We also started our own brand called Mr. Green Guys to focus on affordable plant based products that are compostable certified.
- Paper Cups 4oz to 20oz sizes
- Lids
- Napkins
- Towels
- Facial Tissues
- Water Cups
- To-Go Containers
- Cutlery
- Foam Cups (To Be Discontinued because of environmental mission)
- Toilet tissue
- Plates
- Bowls
Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies
Having the right tools and and solutions are essential for keeping your breakroom clean. Good As Gold Coffee believes in carrying the right products to keep your breakroom clean and tidy.
- Urnex Branded Cleaning Product for Coffee Equipment, Pots, Milk, and Surfaces.
- Brushes
- Paper Towels
- Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Dish Detergent
- Disinfectants
- Surface Cleaners
- Windex
- Clorox Wipes
- And More